Saturday, November 15, 2014

Digital Storytelling

When I first heard the term Digital storytelling the first thing that came to my mind was the use of Scratch and the short story we put together using web 2.0 technologies and multimedia images and coding that made learning fun and exciting. This type of learning took us out of the paper pages of a book. Digital storytelling is more than having students develop digital literacy and reading and writing skills, but also improves reading comprehension. Technology is continuously changing becoming easier to navigate and becoming more intricate as well. Our children and students are connected 24/7 and we need to be able to capture their attention and make them understand the material they’re reading with the technology that they so enjoy. “In digital storytelling, the process approach to writing is particularly powerful because the success of the idea (prewriting), the first version (draft), revised versions (revision and editing), and the recursive nature of the process are authentically realized in this multimedia publication format” (Royer & Richards, 2008) Teachers need to properly plan their lesson based around digital storytelling in order to ensure that students are working toward specific content goals.

(Royer & Richards, 2008)


  1. Digital storytelling is something that is new to me. I first heard about it using Scratch but the more that I do with digital storytelling the more options that I see are available for learning. It is great to be able to explore new ideas without having to use a text book that is older than the students. Digital storytelling lets people convey their thought in a way that is more interesting that a lecture or reading an assignment out of a book. There are so many more things that can be explored and learned when using digital storytelling. It is the way of the future in classrooms.

  2. Interesting take from both of you. Jackie, you mentioned lectures and books assignments, do you feel as if digital storytelling will take away from physical reading? As for Antonio, you mention how students are connected 24/7, will this digital storytelling draw kids in more? Is this a positive or negative aspect in your opinion? I personally still enjoy physically reading, but that may be going out of date for our young readers. I fear that digital storytelling will prevent students from reading for personal enjoyment, and reading exclusively for academic purposes.
