Saturday, October 18, 2014

The flipped classroom

The flipped classroom implies that the classroom is completely turned around from the usual classroom lectures to video and other alternatives sources in order to provide an alternative learning situation and more of a connection with students according to (Inventing the flipped classroom, 2012)
Flipping the classroom is really all about recreating instruction that goes far beyond the chalkboard. Forcing students to think outside of the classroom.
Embedding short quizzes in videos to test students In order to check for understanding before moving on.

Videos created from a flipped classroom are typically 5-10 minutes in length cover specific content. This way of education is definitely worthwhile and already has changed and improved education. Students can find other ways of connecting to the assigned material rather than just the usual in class lecturing techniques normally used.

Using the flipped classroom technique specifically video presentations could be extremely helpful in giving students the chance to connect to the assignment.


  1. Antonio,

    Awesome post about flipping classrooms! its seems like such a cool idea and one that i think will be very popular for the new generation of teachers. How do you think you will incorporate some of the ideas above into your classroom if you plan on going into teaching? I think that you were right when you said that doing things lie incorporating media into lectures will force students to think outside the box and allow them to connect to the material. In my classroom i hope to use a variety of technology, including videos, online presentations like prezi, and blogposts. I think that creating a place online where students can interact will extend learning beyond the walls of my class and encourage further learning!


    Caitlin Eichlin
    EDUC 422B

  2. Hi Antonio,
    You made some very good points about flipping classrooms. I especially like your point that flipping classrooms allows the students to connect and understand the material in their own ways that are outside of the classroom. This could make it a lot easier for the students to relate to real life and take the time they need to learn the material. It encourages them to try and understand the material by themselves while giving them the opportunity to try on their own and then going to class to do activities with it so they can get a better understanding of it. Also allowing the students to do the learning at home, they can learn the ways they prefer, whether its just seeing the material being taught, hands on, taking notes, etc. The quizzes can also help the teacher a lot to see if the material given to them at home is really helping them and seeing how their students are doing in general. Flipping classrooms can be very beneficial to students, it would be no surprise if it were to become more popular within our school systems.

    Faith Waters
